What is the SWEL study about? 

The Stress and Well-Being in Everyday Life (SWEL) study examines the implications of stress for cardiovascular health, in the lab and daily life, using devices that assess cardiovascular outcomes (e.g., heart rate, blood pressure).

Why is this study important?

This study will provide valuable information about how everyday experiences affect people differently. Information collected in this study will be used by researchers to better understand how people’s activities are related to their health and well-being.

What is the study design?

This study has two parts:

1) a single lab visit on campus at the University of Michigan

2) an at home, 4 day study of daily life experiences that includes:

      • completing 6 surveys daily
      • wearing 2 physiological devices

What devices will be used ?

The equipment you will be using includes a smartphone and two of the following devices: 

For information about a device just click on the device name above.

What are the possible benefits of taking part in this survey?

You may become more aware of your emotional and behavioral reactions to everyday stress and the physical reactions that accompany these responses to stress. This awareness may lead to you attempting to change how you react to stress in ways that may benefit your health.

Who is asked to participate?

The proposed study will include 40 Black and White participants, 40 to 80 years of age, including 50% women and 50% men. 

Will there be payment for participation?

Yes. It is possible for participants to earn up to $100 for taking part in this study. Participants will receive $40 dollars for completing the laboratory portion of the study and $15 dollars for successful completion of each of the 4 days of the daily life experiences portion of the study. We will also provide an additional $5 at the lab visit as a reimbursement for parking.

Is participation in this study voluntary?

Yes, participation is completely voluntary. Participants may refuse to answer any or all questions and may leave the study at any time.

How will the information be used?

All of the information collected for this study is treated as strictly confidential. Names, addresses, and other identifying information are removed. The information you provide will be reported in a statistical form that will not permit your identification as an individual.

Interested in taking part in this study? Click here.